Tag Archives: 2014 awards show


Sailing in Aarhus wins four prestigious prizes at 2014 sporting awards show

Posted on februar 4, 2015 in News by trine

ida & marie dm fest 2014 m. tekst

Last weekend, Danish sporting eyes were fixed on Aarhus, as sailing in Aarhus excelled at the annual sports award show for athletes, trainers and sports organizations, held in Aarhus. Winners and national sporting talents, as well as the sports events themselves in 2014 were celebrated and prizes awarded. Sailing in Aarhus won four of the 13 prizes that were awarded and, furthermore, was nominated in five categories. One of the four prizes was “The Event of the Year”, which went to Sailing Aarhus & Aarhus Sailing Club/Sailing Club Bugten for the hosting and organization of the 49er & 49erFX – Junior World Championship 2014. The prize was also awarded in light of Aarhus winning the right to host the 2018 ISAF Sailing World Championships.

Three of the four prizes awarded this weekend went to the local 49er FX women Ida Marie Baad Nielsen & Marie Thusgaard Olsen. They have performed extraordinary in 2014, where they won both the European Championship in Helsinki & the Junior World Championship in Aarhus. Last but not the least Ida & Marie took the silver medal at the ISAF World Championships in Santander. And last Saturday the two women could return home with two tropies: “Boye-pokalen” and “MR Pokalen”. “Boye-pokalen” is awarded to the best sports performance of the year, and “MR Pokalen” is given to an athlete or team that has performed at an especially high level in the year that has passed. Last but not the least Ida & Marie won “Årets Østjyske Sportsnavn”, which is awarded to the most remarkable sports performance of 2014. With this number of winnings Ida & Marie cannot by anything but satisfied.

The 49er & 49erFX – Junior World Championship 2014 in Aarhus was the focus of another prestigious prize, “The Event of the Year”, beating off a strong challenge from the other nominees in this category, the hugely popular: Aarhus Half Marathon and the Classic Car Race. Sailing Aarhus & Aarhus Sailing Club/Sailing Club Bugten were very happy as they received the prize for “The Event of the Year”. One of the reasons for this award was the successful hosting of the large sailing event in 2014, as well as recognition for winning the right to host the ISAF 2018 World Championships in Aarhus.

With all these prizes, sailing in Aarhus has enjoyed a highly successful 2014 with great success, and, more importantly, has shown its wider appeal and potential for the years to come. These awards not only help sailing in Aarhus to promote the sport, but the recognition also creates a large, positive awareness of the major sailing events due to be hosted in the city of Aarhus in the forthcoming years.